Numbers and Sets
Complex Numbers
Algebraic Equations and Inequalities
Discrete Algebra
Basic Formulas
Graphics of Basic Functions
Algebraic Transformations
Balloon 2

Algebraic Expressions

Basic Definitions


Algebraic Transformations



Factoring Quadratic Polynomials

Factoring Cubic Polynomials

Factor Theorems

Other Transformations


Completing Perfect Square

Rationalizing Denominators

Rationalizing Denominators
Key Topics Remaining:   Algebraic Equations and Inequalities

To simplify a fraction means, in particular, to eliminate terms involving radicals from the denominator of the fraction. This procedure is known as rationalizing the denominator.
As a rule, a denominator can be rationalized by simple algebraic transformations.
The main idea is quite clear. To rationalize a denominator, it is necessary to find a factor that by which the given denominator is multiplied to produce an expression or quantity without radicals.
Let us consider a few typical cases.

  1. If a denominator contains the square root of some expression as a factor, then multiply the numerator and denominator by the square root of the expression.


  2. If a denominator involves a binomial expression like , then in view of the formula for the difference between two squares,


    Therefore, one can multiply the numerator and denominator by to rationalize the denominator:



    and so on.

  3. Let the denominator be a trinomial expression such as

    or something similar.
    Taking into account the formula for the difference between two cubes, we can use the factor to eliminate the denominator from radicals:


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