Presentations at academic events
Made presentations at conferences of twelve different levels and one Congress in period of 2007-2013.
- X International scientific-practical conference "Efficiency of modern marketing" (Yaroslavl, 2007),
- IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Young Energy - Russian Economy" (Tomsk, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013),
- I International Conference "Youth and Science: Reality and Future" (Kemerovo, 2009),
- First Russian Economic Congress (Moscow, 2009)
- All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Formation of the Russian marketing system in the modernization of the economy" (Moscow, 2010),
- International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference "Russian assertiveness: society, economy, politics" (Moscow, 2010)
IV International scientific conference "Innovative development of Russia's economy: the institutional environment" (Moscow, 2011)
- All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Social and economic problems and psychological problems of management" (Moscow, 2012).