12 марта 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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In 2010 and 2011 she was trained at seminars in "School of young scientist" in the amount of 48 hours.

Three years was a member of the personnel reserve TPU in the group of training of candidates of Sciences. Successfully completed three qualification held for the participants of a personnel reserve.

So in 2010, training was held 72 hours for the Professional development of the administrative reserve University: competence approach".

In 2011, training was held in the amount of 72 hours in the direction of "Designing the professional profile of activity of subjects of innovative universities".

In 2012, training was held in the amount of 72 hours in the direction of "the Formation and development of managerial competences".

In 2015, have been training in the amount of 72 hours in the field of "Design and organization of independent work of students of the University."

In 2015, have been training in the amount of 72 hours in the direction of "interactive learning technologies at the technical University".

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