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Kosheleva Elena
PhD in History
Interdisciplinary department, Institute of International Education and Language Communication, Associate Professor
Department of Foreign Language, Institute of Non-destructive testing,
Associate Professor
Tel .: 8 (3822) 56-38-07

Graduated from the History department of Tomsk State University in 1999. Upon completion, was awarded a qualification “Historian”. 1999-2003 – post-graduate of TSU majoring in cultural anthropology. Her Candidate’s dissertation was titled “Ethnic movements of indigenous peoples in West Siberian region, the late 20 – early 21 centuries”.

Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University in 2008 (major – English – Russian translation).

2003-2008. - Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and Ethnology of Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

2008 – till now associate professor at TPU

2010-2011,. - Visiting Professor of Russian language at the Faculty of Physics, Jilin University, China (the "2 + 2 program").

Elena Kosheleva published more than 73 scientific and methodical works (including 5 monographs and 14 articles in peer-reviewed journals) and 2 textbooks.
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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