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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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  1. 2001 Open Society Institute. Member of the spring session on nationalism in the Central European University (CDC, Budapest, Hungary, 26-30 March 2001)
  2. 2001 Open Society Institute. Travel grant № HAT 10I (to take part in the international conference "Language and Society". September, Moscow)
  3. 2003-2005 Participant of RFH grant "Traditional in a modern and contemporary in traditional"
  4. 2005-2007 Participant of RFH grant "Indigenous Peoples of Tomsk land: the fate of traditions and language" (Head - Doctor of History, Professor N. Lukina)
  5. 2007-2008 Participant of RFH grant #07-01-64107a RFH/ T "Eastern Slavic peoples in the Tomsk region: specific of ethnic and cultural development in the past and the present" (head - Ph.D., Associate Professor T.A. Goncharova)
  6. 2009 Participant of RFH project to conduct scientific-methodical seminar "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of motivation of students learning English language in technical colleges" (Head of A.V. Soboleva, June 2009)
  7. 2010 Participant of RFH grant # 10-06-6481g / T (head Sumtsova O.V.) to conduct methodical seminar "Computer technologies in learning a foreign language" (April 19th -20th, 24th June 2010)
  8. 2010-2011 Project Manager of RFH grant # 10-01-64102a / T "Portrait of an educational migrant: international students in a technical colleges of Siberia."
  9. 2012 Project Manager of RFH grant № 12-16-70503 for international Scientific Conference "Foreign Language in a Context of Vocational Education" (June 1, 2012)
  10. 2012-2013 Project Manager of RFH grant № 12-31-01298 / 12 "Chinese educational migrants in the Russian academic environment."
  11. 2013 Participant of RFH grant №13-16-70502 “II All-Russian seminar "Methodology of teaching and efficiency of academic, social, cultural and psychological adaptation of foreign students in the Russian higher school: theoretical and applied aspects"” (head Kashkan G.V.)
  12. 2014 Participant of RFH grant project №14-08-06815 mol_g_1 “Organization of All-Russian Conference "Scientific Initiative of international undergraduate and graduate students of Russian universities"”, Tomsk, April 23-25, 2014 (Head Kashkan G.V.)
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