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21 февраля 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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●Cheremisina K.A. The phenomenon of spiritualism in Leskovs appraisal (from the articles of the 1870's) / K.A. Cheremisina // Vestnik of St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Ser. 2, Art criticism. Philological sciences. -2011. - № 1. - S. 63-67. Access: : http://

● Cheremisina K.A. The problem of spiritual self-identification of the Russian person in Leskov''s late journalism (1880s)/ K.A. Cheremisina // Tomsk State University Journal. - 2013. - № 372. - S. 53-57.-0.5 pp. Access: :

● Girfanova K.A. The problem of art in N. S. Leskov’s late publicist writing (1880-s) //Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2014. Vol. 7 (148). S. 192-196.-0.5 pp. Access: :

● Cheremisina Harrer I.A., K.A. Girfanova Linguo-poetic peculiarities of V. A. Zhukovsky’s translations // Modern problems of science and education. M .: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2014- №. 3. - P. 1-8. - Access: 0,5 п.л.

● Girfanova (Cheremisina) K.A. Religious views of L.N. Tolstoy's in N.S. Leskov’s journalistic heritage[Electronic resource] //Modern problems of science and education. - 2014 - number. 3. - P. 1-8. - Access:

● Girfanova K.A. Popular reading problem of later N.S. Leskov's journalism (the first half of the 1880s.) // Language and World Culture. Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2014.

● Girfanova K.A.Tristan in the European literary tradition: convergent and divergent traditions [electronic resource] = Tristan in the european literary tradition: convergent and divergent traditions / J.V. Kobenko, K.A. Girfanova, E.S. Ryabov // Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice. - 2016. - № 1, Part 2. -. [C. 20-22]. - Title screen. -
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● Girfanova K., Cheremisina Harrer I., Bobrova G. Reception of N.S. Leskov's Religious and Philosophical Worldview in English-speaking Critic // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 206, 17 October 2015, Pages 410–415 //XVth International Conference "Linguistic and Cultural Studies: Traditions and Innovations". Режим доступа:

● Girfanova K.A. The moral and philosophical problems of N.S. Leskov's journalism in the late period of creativity (1880s-early 1890s.) // Collection of Scientific Works of the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference "Language and World Culture". Tomsk: Publishing House TPU, 2016. PP. 49-54.

● Girfanova K.A. The study of spiritualism in the European and Russian traditions (based on Leskov's articles devoted to "philosophical spiritualism") //Collection of Scientific Works of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Linguistic and Cultural Traditions and Innovations", Tomsk, 9-11 November 2015 /Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); Ed. count. V. Kobenko [et al.]. - 1 computer file (pdf; 2,4 MB). - Tomsk: Publishing House TPU, 2016. - Title screen. - Easy access from the Internet. Access mode:

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