Literature "Linguistics"
1. Varpahovich L.V. Linguistics in tables and diagrams. Minsk, 2007.
2. Dronova L.P. Lebedeva N.B. Introduction to Linguistics (basic concepts and terms): Textbook. Tomsk, 1996.
3. Koduhov V.I. Introduction to linguistics. M. 2012.
4. Maslov Y.S. Introduction to linguistics. M, 2005.
5. Reformed A.A. Introduction to linguistics. M., 1996, 2002.
6. Yartseva V.N. Linguistics: Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. M, 2000.
Literature "Stylistics of Russian language"
1. Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. Handbook for Universities / L.A. Vvedenskaya, LG Pavlova, E. Kashaeva. Phoenix, 2003.
2. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech. M, 2003.
3. Kozhin M.N. The style of the Russian language. M, 1983.
4. Pleschenko T.P., Fedotova N.V., Chechet R.G. Fundamentals of stylistics and culture of speech and culture. Textbook for university students. Minsk, 1999.
5. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. M., 1999.