Ивашутенко Александр Сергеевич
Кандидат технических наук

Инженерная школа энергетики, Заместитель директора по развитию
Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-50-14
Вн. телефон: 1959
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I teach a course of lectures "Power supply reliability" and “Electric power supply” to the students of the Institute of Power Engineering, TPU.

The course "Power supply reliability" provides the basic provisions of the probability theory that is used to create various functional models of power supply systems; methods of reliability analysis; reliability characteristics; methods for providing reliable operation of power systems.

The main objectives of the course "Electric power supply" are as follows: to form the knowledge of the theory and principles how to construct the industrial power supply systems; to get the practical skills for creating the optimal power supply systems and controlling their reliable operation.