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Teaching activity

Lecturer for students specializing in "Interpretation and theory of translation", major 620100 –  "Linguistics and intercultural communication" (ref. )

Coursework included:

  • Theoretical phonetics of French language
  • French studies
  • Practical training in Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation, French language
  • Seminar in Linguistics "Linguistic world-image and system lexicography"
  • French language for TPU PhD students with technical specialization

Tatyana Nikolaevna is a supervisor of students’ research projects in "Introduction to linguistics". A number of students’ projects are presented in the form of reports during research and practice conferences, published articles and first-place works in competition for the best student research work in TPU.

Education Background

2006 Completed PhD thesis defense in specialization: 10.02.20 "Comparative-historical, typological and contrastive philology" (ref. AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT).
2002-2003 Attended the University of Rouen (France).
2002 Completed certification for Advanced French language (DALF).

Research Publications

T.N. Ilinskaya has 16 research papers, five of which are published in central editions/national press, two resourse books "Practical course in translation (French language)", "Practical phonetics of French Language", four steering documents. She delivers reports in Russian and international conferences, five of presented documents are honored with certificates for the best report following the results of conferences.

Awards and Honors

2003 Received the National Higher Certificate of the Rouen University Maîtrise FLE  with qualification "Teacher of French as a foreign language".
1999 Won the education ministry contest

International activity

2002-2003 Attended the University of Rouen (France)
1999-2001 Russianlanguage teacherinthe lyceum Jean Dautet in La Rochelle (France)

Development of competence

Within 2006-2015 Tatyana Nikolaevna Ilinskaya studied the following disciplines:

  1. "France and Francophonie of today. New development in the method of French teaching". XV Russian national seminar for French teachers (Moscow, January 2006, 72 hours).
  2. "Modern technologies in French teaching". Seminars for French teachers (Tomsk, March 2006, 72 hours).
  3. "Innovative educational technologies and relevant problems of applied philosophy". III International summer school for young scientists (Tomsk, June 2006, 72 hours).
  4. "Linguistics at the turn of the century: problems and methods" (TSU, May 2007, 72 hours).
  5. "Methods and methodology for linguistic analysis" (Kemerovo State University, June 2008, 110 hours)
  6. "Project conception of education programs and quality evaluation of engineer training" (TPU, October-November 2008, 72 hours)
  7. "Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation" (St.Petersburg, April 2009, 21 hours)
  8. "Fundamentals of Design of customized medium and resources in the Oracles Portal environment" (TPU, November 2009, 72 hours).
  9. "Internet in French lesson" (Cavilam, Vichy (France), July 2010, 72 hours)
  10. "Competency-based approach in design of  education programs" (Tomsk, TPU, December 2010, 72 hours).
  11. "Work with the system SDL Trados Studio 2011" (Educational center “Softline”, august 2013).
  12. "System of distance education MOODLE in department training process" (TSU, January 2015, 72 hours).
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