Плотникова Инна Васильевна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент

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27 июля 2024 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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The graduate student gets knowledge, skills providing the achievement of the ob-jectives of the main educational curriculum
“Quality Management” within the learning the discipline.
The graduate student studied the course “Means and Methods for Quality Man-agement” has to possess:
– comprehension, functions and methods for quality management;
– mechanism for quality management and its elements;
– instruments for quality management.
Subject targets “Means and Methods for Quality Management” achieved by means of learning package:
– to possess academic knowledge in the sphere of quality management;
– to possess the skill to formulate the conception of methods and instruments for
providing planning the quality depending on the specific character of the object;
The discipline is aimed to training the graduate students for solving managerial,
technical, scientific tasks for quality management.

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