Плотникова Инна Васильевна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент
Отделение контроля и диагностики, Заведующий лабораторией

Вн. телефон: 2770
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20 февраля 2025 / Thursday / Неделя нечетная
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Subject of practical lessons (40 hours) 1. Competiveness evaluation. Functional model of management estimation. (4 h.)
2. Method classification of quality management. New methods of quality manage-ment. (2 h.)
3. Ways of product presenting for test. Level evaluation of product quality. (4 h.) 4. Development technology of quality function. (2 h.)
5. Affinity diagram. Connections diagram. Tree-like diagram. Matrix diagram. (8 h.)
6. Development technology of quality function. (4 h.)
7. Functional and cost analysis. (2 h.)
8. Balanced Indicators System. (2 h.)
9. Personnel motivation as an instrument of quality management. (2 h.)
10. Orientation policy for client. Product importance for consumer. (2 h.)
11. Consumer satisfaction. Consumer index satisfaction. (2 h.)
12. Information analysis method of consumer. Composition and analysis question-naire Kano. (2 h.)
13. Development rules achievement for consumer satisfaction for enterprises. (4 h.)

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