- 1. Gutareva N.Y. Towards the creation of modern teaching materials for foreign language in not language high school // Collection of scientific works of All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Language. Communication. Culture. “— Kursk: Publishing House of Kazan State Medical University, 19.02.2007. — P. 98-104. (Article) 2. Gutareva N.Y. Development of foreign language communicative competence in modern educational process // Collection of scientific works of V international scientific-practical conference “Applied Philology and Engineering Education”. — Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 10.02.2007. — P. 267-273. (Article) 3. Gutareva NY Specificity of professionally-oriented teaching English to non-linguistic colleges // Collection of scientific works of the international scientific-practical conference “Foreign language education: linguistic and methodological aspects.” — Baranovichi: Publishing house BSU, 10.03.2007. — P. 267-273. (Article) 4. Gutareva N.Y. Technical communication in the classroom for foreign language in not language high school // Collection of scientific works of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Linguistic and Cultural Traditions of education.” — Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 06.12.2007. — P. 30-36. (Article) 5. Gutareva N.Y. The use of the electronic textbook for distance learning foreign languages in non-linguistic colleges // Collection of scientific works of the VII International scientific-practical conference "Didactics and methodology of teaching foreign languages: a new paradigm.” — Minsk: Publishing House of Moscow State Linguistic University, 21.12.2007. — P. 136-140. (Article) 6. Gutareva N.Y. Application design techniques in the classroom for foreign language in not language high school // Collection of scientific works of the international scientific-practical conference “Science. Education. Technologies - 2008“. — Baranovichi: Publishing house BSU, 21.03.2008. — P. 220-221. (Article) 7. Gutareva N.Y. Foreign language education in the context of a multicultural paradigm // Russian language abroad. — 2008 — Baku. —- Rakovsky magazine. 8. Gutareva N.Y. A few words about the process of learning BrSU // Russian language abroad. — 2008 — Baku (co-authored with Kuimova MV). 9. Gutareva N.Y. On the question of psycho-pedagogical study of the personality of the student in the learning process at the university // electronic scientific journal of the Tver Institute of Applied Linguistics and Mass Communications at TGSKHA www.tverlinguaby.com № 3 (12) — 2008. — Tver P. 173-178. (Article) 10. Gutareva N.Y. Grammatical system of training games as a means of linguistic competence on the example of English language teaching students IGND TPU // Collection of scientific works of the IV International scientific and practical conference “National cultural component in the text and language.” — Minsk: Publishing House of Moscow State Linguistic University, 03.12.2009. — P. 194-196. (Article) 11. Gutareva N.Y. Assessing communicative skills in oral speech of students IGND TPU. // Collection of scientific works of the international scientific-practical conference “Languages of the world and the world of language.” — Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow State Mining University, 24.11.2009. — P.126-132. (Article) 12. Gutareva N.Y. Development of motivation to learn English IGND students of Tomsk Polytechnic University // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of German philology and methods of teaching foreign languages.” Brest: Publishing House of the Belarusian State University, —2010. — 360 p. — P. 91-94. (Article) 13. Gutareva N.Y. Concerning the meaning of the term discourse flattery. // Electronic scientific journal “World of Linguistics and Communication” www.tverlinguaby.com № 1 (18) — 2010. — Tver P. 173-178. (Article) 14. Gutareva N.Y. Language education and the ways of its development in Russia. Philology. Theory and practice.// Scientific theory and application log. Number 1 (5) Part 1 Tambov publishing house Gramota, — 2010. — P. 111-114. (Article) 15. Gutareva N.Y. Forms of communication and their scientific interpretation. Philology. Theory and practice.// Scientific theory and application log. Number 1 (5) Part 1 Tambov publishing house Gramota, — 2010. — P. 109-112. 16. Gutareva N.Y. Accounting psycholinguistic features of students studying a foreign language with hearing disabilities. Philology. Theory and practice. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 1 (5) Part 1 Tambov publishing house Gramota, — 2010. — p. 107-111. (Article) 17. Gutareva N.Y. Semantic and structural features of praise, compliments and flattery in the modern communicative space. // Electronic scientific journal “World of Linguistics and Communication” www.tverlinguaby.com № 3 (20) — 2010. — Tver P. 123-133. (Article) 18. Gutareva N.Y. Problems of understanding and interpretation of discourse flattery. // Siberian Journal of Philology. Scientific publication. Novosibirsk: NSU number 3, — 2011. — P. 214-222. (Article) 19. Gutareva N.Y. Communicative space discourse flattery. // Electronic scientific journal “World of Linguistics and Communication” www.tverlinguaby.com № 4 (25) — 2011 — Tver P. 123-133. (Article) 20. Gutareva N.Y. Strategy and tactics of communicative behavior in the implementation discourse flattery. Collection of materials XV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Brest: Publishing House of the Belarusian State University, — 2011 — 260 p. — P. 24-26. (Article) 21. Gutareva N.Y. Discourse flattery and its main characteristics. Philology. Theory and practice .// Scientific theory and application log. Number 2 (9) Part 1 Tambov: Publishing House of the Charter, — 2011. — p. 62-64. (Article) 22. Gutareva N.Y. Functions of flattery in the course of communication. Philology. Theory and practice.// Scientific theory and application log. Number 2 (9) Part 1 Tambov: Publishing House of the Charter, — 2011. — p. 64-66. (Article) 23. Gutareva N.Y. Communicative behavior initiator of flattery. Philology. Theory and practice.// Scientific theory and application log. Number 2 (9) Part 1 Tambov: Publishing House of the Charter, — 2011. — p. 66-69. (Article) 24. Gutareva N.Y. Linguopragmatic study discourse flattery. In the world of scientific discoveries. // Scientific theory and application log. № 5.1 (17) Krasnoyarsk: SIC— 2011. (Problems of Science and Education) 310. P. 529 -537. (Article) 25. Gutareva N.Y. Speech act discourse flattery. In the world of scientific discoveries. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 7 (19) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2011. (Humanities and Social Sciences) 312. P. 148-154. (Article) 26. Gutareva N.Y. Interviews as a means of monitoring students' oral language and communication in a multicultural space. Scientific book: Scientific-methodical and information-technological bases of innovative education system // Proceedings of the round table of the international conference “Development of the education system — the basis of the country's security.” April 22-23, 2011. — Moscow: Moscow psycho-social institution because of the NGO “MODEK”, 2011. — P. 32-33. (Article) 27. Gutareva N.Y. Investigation of the necessary conditions of communication in the implementation of the discourse of flattery. Brest: Publishing House of the Belarusian State University, — 2012. —260 p. — P. 191-194 28. Gutareva N.Y. The specifics of the implementation of the discourse of flattery. // Electronic scientific journal “World of Linguistics and Communication” www.tverlinguaby.com № 1 (26) — 2012. — Tver P. 123-133. (Article) 29. Gutareva N.Y. Communicative status flattering remarks regulatory activities and its functions. In the world of scientific discoveries. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 7 (2) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2012. (Humanities and Social Sciences) 312. — P. 145 -158. 30. Gutareva N.Y. Terms of realization of discourse flattery. In the world of scientific discoveries. // Scientific theory and application log. № 11.3 (35) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2012. (Humanities and Social Sciences) 312. — P. 196 -209. 31. Gutareva N.Y. Etymological analysis of the language person flatterer. In the world of scientific discoveries. // Scientific theory and application log. № 11.3 (35) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, 2012. (Humanities and Social Sciences) 312. — P. 153 -163. 32. Gutareva N.Y. Semantic analysis of synonyms and derivatives of the verb “flatter.” // Electronic scientific journal “World of Linguistics and Communication” www.tverlinguaby.com № 1 (30) — 2013. — Tver S. 123-133. (Article) January 33. Gutareva N.Y. Flattery and sincerity in the world of aphorisms. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 6 (24) Tambov: Diploma, — 2013. (Philology. Theory and Practice) 226. — S. 69-71. 34. Gutareva N.Y. Power discourse flattery. // Scientific theory and application log. № 5.3 Krasnoyarsk: SIC 2013 (Humanities and Social Sciences). 324. — P. 140-151. 35. Gutareva N.Y. The problem of flattery behavior of the person in the communicative space. // Scientific theory and application log. № 9.1 (45) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, —2013. (Humanities and Social Sciences). 477. — P. 290-300. 36. Gutareva N.Y. Modern controls ICC. Tambov: Gramota, — 2013. № 9. Part 2, pp. 82-21. 37. Gutareva N.Y. Interactive means of learning a foreign language in high school. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 9 (45) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2013. (Humanities and Social Sciences). 366. — P. 347-357. 38. Gutareva N.Y. On the question of control of formation of foreign language communicative competence of graduates. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 9. Part 2, pp. 82-21. 39. Gutareva N.Y. Interactive means of learning a foreign language in high school. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 9 (45) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2013. (Humanities and Social Sciences). 366. — P. 337-347. 40. Gutareva N.Y. Simulacra as this essential factor interaction interaktantov in the discourse of flattery. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 2 (20) Tambov: Diploma, — 2013. (Philology. Theory and Practice) 226. — P. 59-62. 41. Gutareva N.Y. Electronic textbook as a distance learning foreign language students of a technical college. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 2 (20) Tambov: Gramota, — 2013. (Philology. Theory and Practice) 226. — P. 62-65. 42. Gutareva N.Y. Organization of intensive English language training at the university. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 9 (45) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2013. (Humanities and Social Sciences). 366. — P. 326-336. 43. Gutareva N.Y. Modern means of expressive oral speech control. // Scientific theory and application log. Modern studies of social problems (electronic scientific journal), Modern Research of Social Problems, №8 (28), — 2013. www.sisp.nkras.ru 44. Gutareva N.Y. Interviews as a means of monitoring students' oral language and communication in a multicultural space. // The world of education — education in the world. Number 2 Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social University, —2012. — 366 p. P. 90-96 45. Gutareva N.Y. Computerization of teaching English in not language high school: problems and prospects. Bulletin of Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise. Veliky Novgorod: Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise, — 2011. 326 p. — P. 23-25. 46. Gutareva N.Y. Imagery and its realization in proverbs and sayings of flattery. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 1 (49) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2014 (Social sciences and humanities). 1207 p. — P. 1054-1063. 47. Gutareva N.Y. Semantic features of proverbs and sayings of flattery. // Scientific theory and application log. Number 1 (49) Krasnoyarsk: SIC 2014 (Social sciences and humanities). 1207 p. — P. 1063-1071. 48. Gutareva N.Y. Organization of productive training activities within the students' independent work language high school as a factor in the organization of youth spirituality. Youth extremism: the origins, prevention, prevention: proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. M .: LEU VPO “MPSU”; Voronezh MODEK, — 2014 — CH.II. — 360. — P. 25-29. 49. Gutareva N.Y. Information technologies in modern language education. // Scientific theory and application log. Krasnoyarsk Science krasnoyar'ya, № 5 (16), — 2014. — 196 p. — P. 111-118. 50. Gutareva N.Y. Organization effective learning activities in the framework of self-study language high school students. Kemerovo: 807 p. — P. 163-171. 51. Gutareva N.Y. Self-study language high school as a condition of effective educational process. // Research and Education magazine. Vocational education in Russia and abroad. Number 3 (15) Kemerovo 2 Kuzbassky Regional Institute of Vocational Education, — 2014. 151 p. — P. 115-117. 52. Gutareva N.Y. Conflict-talk students and teacher's role in its organization. // Scientific-theoretical and applied journal “In the world of scientific discovery.” № 9.4 (57) Krasnoyarsk: SIC, — 2014. (Social sciences and humanities). 1556 p. — P. 1414-1422. 53. Gutareva N.Y., Vinogradov N.V. Thermal effects in the oxidation of iron in the Tungstate treatment with sodium nitrate in the presence of sodium carbonate - Proceedings of the International Symposium materials LFPM-32014. Rostov-on-Don — Tuapse, 2 — 6 September 2014 Issue 3, Volume 1 — 386 p. — P. 147-151. - 25 hours. 54. Gutareva N.Y CDS as a means of optimizing the learning process language high school students [electronic resource] = Independent work of students as a means of optimizing the learning process of students of the non-linguistic institutes / N.Y. Gutareva layered training: e-learning and open educational resources: a collection of the I All-Russian Scientific Conference, March 20-21, 2014, Tomsk / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); Ed. count. AI Chuchalin [et al.]. — Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2014 — [P. 28-31]. — Title from title page. — Free access from the Internet. — Adobe Reader. 55. Gutareva N.Y., Syrodoy S.V., Solomatov V.V. Concentration organic components in the hydrocarbon fuel particles conditions and characteristic of ignition. EPJ Web of Conferences 76, 01018 (2014). — 01018 — p.6. 56. Gutareva N.Y., Syrodoy S.V., Solomatov V.V. Modelling of heat and mass transfer to solve the problem of particle ignition water-coal fuel. EPJ Web of Conferences 76, 01018 (2014). — 01018 — p.6. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 66 (2014) 012040 57. Gutareva N.Y., Syrodoy S.V., Solomatov V.V. Effect of structural heterogeneity water-coal fuel conditions and characteristics of ignition. EPJ Web of Conferences Volume 82, 2015. – 01037 – p.5. IOP Conf. Series: Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies 66 (2014) 012040
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Список публикаций
Количество записей: 101
Mathematical and physical modeling of the processes of reducing anthropogenic oxides during the combustion of water-saturated fuels / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, Zh. A. Kostoreva [et al.] // Combustion and Flame. — 2025. — Vol. 274. — Article number 113969, 16 p. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2025.113969
Crushing droplets of coal-water fuel under conditions of high-speed impact on a solid barrier / S. V. Syrodoy, G. V. Kuznetsov, N. A. Nigay [et al.] // International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. — 2024. — Vol. 157. — Article number 107732, 10 p. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2024.107732
Dynamics of water droplet impact on a textured heated and tilted surface / Kseniya Voytkova, Semen Syrodoy, Zhanna Kostoreva [et al.] // International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. — 2024. — Vol. 159, pt. C. — Article number 108189, 15 p. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2024.108189
The influence of microgrooves on the dynamics of drop spreading on textured surfaces / S. V. Syrodoy, G. V. Kuznetsov, K. A. Voytkova [et al.] // Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. — 2024. — Vol. 56. — Article number 103058, 12 p. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2024.103058
Influence of homeomorphism of the surface of a wood particle on the characteristics of its ignition / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, B. V. Borisov [et al.] // Renewable Energy. — 2023. — Vol. 203. — [P. 828-840]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.12.097
Influence of a cubic wood particle orientation in space on the characteristics and conditions of its ignition / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, Zh. A. Kostoreva [et al.] // Biomass and Bioenergy. — 2023. — Vol. 170. — [106704, 16 p.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2023.106704
Influence of Forest Combustible Material on the Characteristics and Conditions of Ignition of Bio-coal Water Fuels / G. V. Kuznetsov, D. Yu. Malyshev, S. V. Syrodoy [et al.] // Combustion Science and Technology. — 2023. — Vol. 195, iss. 3. — [P. 576-596]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2021.1968384
Mathematical Modeling of the Evaporation of a Water Drop from a Heated Surface / S. V. Syrodoy, G. V. Kuznetsov, K. A. Voytkova, N. Yu. Gutareva // Langmuir. — 2023. — Vol. 39, iss. 14. — [P. 5041-5055]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00059
Надеина, Л. В. Историко-географические факторы как компонент образной интерпретации движения (на материале шотландских диалектных глаголов движения Scots) / Л. В. Надеина, Н. Ю. Гутарева // Язык. Общество. Образование : сборник научных трудов III Международной научно-практической конференции "Лингвистические и культурологические аспекты современного инженерного образования", Томск, 10-12 ноября 2022 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ); гл. ред. Ю. В. Кобенко. — 2022. — [С. 67-71]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/74227
A comparative analysis of the characteristics of the water removal processes in preparation for incineration of typical wood waste and forest combustible materials / G. V. Kuznetsov, N. A. Nigay, S. V. Syrodoy [et al.] // Energy. — 2022. — Vol. 239. — [122362, 14 p.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.122362
Mathematical modeling of the thermochemical processes of sequestration of SOx when burning the particles of the coal and wood mixture / S. V. Syrodoy, G. V. Kuznetsov, N. Yu. Gutareva, N. A. Nigay // Renewable Energy. — 2022. — Vol. 185. — [P. 1392-1409]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.10.091
Justification of the use of forest waste in the power industry as one of the components OF BIO-coal-water suspension fuel / G. V. Kuznetsov, D. Yu. Malyshev, S. V. Syrodoy [et al.] // Energy. — 2022. — Vol. 239. — [121677, 19 p.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.121677
Features of the processes of heat and mass transfer when drying a large thickness layer of wood biomass / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, N. A. Nigay [et al.] // Renewable Energy. — 2021. — Vol. 169. — [P. 498-511]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.12.137
Experimental determination of the worker’s clothing surface temperature during the ceramic gas heater operation / G. V. Kuznetsov, V. I. Maksimov, T. A. Nagornova [et al.] // Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. — 2021. — Vol. 22. — [100851, 9 p.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2021.100851
Mathematical modeling of the thermochemical processes of nitrogen oxides sequestration during combustion of wood-coal mixture particles / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, N. Yu. Gutareva, N. A. Nigay // Journal of the Energy Institute. — 2021. — Vol. 96. — [P. 280-293]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joei.2021.03.001
Influence of biomass type on its characteristics of convective heating and dehydration / G. V. Kuznetsov, N. A. Nigay, S. V. Syrodoy, N. Yu. Gutareva // Energy Reports. — 2021. — Vol. 7. — [P. 7118-7133]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.09.210
Kuznetsov, G. V. Influence of a wet wood particle form on the characteristics of its ignition in the high-temperature medium / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, N. Yu. Gutareva // Renewable Energy. — 2020. — Vol. 145. — [P. 1474-1486]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/57715
Theoretical justification of utilization of forest waste by incineration in a composition of bio-water-coal suspensions. Ignition stage / G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, D. Yu. Malyshev [et al.] // Applied Thermal Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 170. — [115034, 15 p.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115034
Mathematical and physical modeling of the coal-water coal-water fuel particle ignition with a liquid film on the surface / V. V. Salomatov, G. V. Kuznetsov, S. V. Syrodoy, N. Yu. Gutareva // Energy Reports. — 2020. — Vol. 6. — [P. 628-643]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.02.006
Characteristics and conditions for ignition of bio-coal mixtures based on coal and forest combustible material / S. V. Syrodoy, G. V. Kuznetsov, N. Yu. Gutareva [et al.] // Journal of the Energy Institute. — 2020. — Vol. 93, iss. 5. — [P. 1978-1992]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joei.2020.04.013
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