Gutareva N.Y. — associate professor of foreign languages of Institute of natural resources TPU. Gutareva N.Y. — PhD in “Theory and methods of training and education (foreign languages)” (31.10.05). Gutareva N.Y. has been selecting the material for writing a doctoral dissertation since 2010 on the topic “The semantic and pragmatic aspects of discourse interpretation of flattery” in the direction of linguistics. The head of her dissertation research — doctor of philology, professor, vice rector TGSKHA on management and administration work, honored scientist of Russia, professor, head. Chair of the theory of language and intercultural communication TSU — A.A. Romanov.
In 2013 Gutareva Nadezhda Yurevna became the winner of the Tomsk region in the field of education, science, health and culture and was awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of education and science, to exert effective influence on the development of economic and social development of the Tomsk region.
In 2014 Nadezhda Yurevna passed successfully the exam for the Cambridge Certificate City & Guilds (Level Expert) (№ H / 500/7574).
In 2014 Nadezhda Yurevna passed successfully the exam for Oxford certificate Pearson (Level Advanced) (№ H / 500/7574).
In 2014 Gutareva N.Y. was awarded the honorary title of corresponding member of the Academy of pedagogical and social sciences in Moscow.