Станько Анна Юрьевна
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13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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In-vitro study of nanoparticles properties in biological solutions

Increasing production of nanomaterials makes study of nanoparticles be of immediate interest in terms of particles behavior in the environment. Safety and risk assessment of the nanomaterials impact on the environment requires new experimental data on physicochemical properties of nanoparticles when entering into the environment. One of the most important tasks is to study nanoparticles activity while releasing in biological liquid media.

In the work I study the influence of dispersity, phase composition, particles shape, oxides percent, solutions nature on the aggregation activity, metal release rate, conversion degree (for metal particles), morphology, dispersity, рН, and electrokinetic’s potential of dispersions. The experimental works are carried out with the help of metal nanopowders (Cu, Zn, Fe, Al, W), binary compounds nanopowders (Сu-Zn, Cu-Fe, Cu-Ni), metal oxides nanopowders (Al2O3, CuO, Fe2O3, ZnO, ZrO2, Y2O3). Then, synthetic biological solutions (physiological solution, phosphate buffering saline, glucose solution, alveolar liquid, saliva, sweat) are simulated in the work. I do research to address simultaneously, fundamental and applied questions.

A wide range of techniques is used for description of initial nanopowders and in-situ characterization of nanoparticles dispersion based on nanopowders and biosolutions in terms of composition, morphology, dispersity, and function.
Experimental data obtained in the project are used for the development of experimental approach of testing nanomaterials in liquid media and for the forecasting safety/unsafety nanoparticles assessment when nanoparticles releasing into the environment.

In-vitro study of nanoparticles properties in biological solutions
Increasing production of nanomaterials makes study of nanoparticles behavior in the environment be of immediate interest. Safety and risk assessment of the nanomaterials impact on the environment requires new experimental data on physicochemical properties of nanoparticles when entering into the environment. One of the most important tasks is to study nanoparticles activity while releasing in biological liquid media.
In the work I study the influence of dispersity, phase composition, particles shape, oxides percent, solutions nature on the aggregation activity, metal release rate, conversion degree (for metal particles), morphology, dispersity, рН, and electrokinetic’s potential of dispersions. The experimental works are carried out with the help of metal nanopowders (Cu, Zn, Fe, Al, W), binary compounds nanopowders (Сu-Zn, Cu-Fe, Cu-Ni), metal oxides nanopowders (Al2O3, CuO, Fe2O3, ZnO, ZrO2, Y2O3). Then, synthetic biological solutions (physiological solution, phosphate buffering saline, glucose solution, alveolar liquid, saliva, sweat) are simulated in the work. I do research to address simultaneously, fundamental and applied questions.
A wide range of techniques is used for description of initial nanopowders and in-situ characterization of nanoparticles dispersion based on nanopowders and biosolutions in terms of composition, morphology, dispersity, and function. Experimental data obtained in the project are used for the development of experimental approach of testing nanomaterials in liquid media and for the forecasting safety/unsafety nanoparticles assessment when nanoparticles releasing into the environment.
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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