The most important bulictions are the following:
Abzhanova D., Godymchuk А., Gusev A., Kuznetsov D., Solubility of Nickel Nanoparticles in Simulated Body Fluids // Advanced Materials Research. – 2014. " DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.880.248. – Vol.880. – P.248-252.
Yunda E., Godymchuk A. (2012) Dissolution of zinc nanoparticles in pulmonary fluid // Proceedings of the 7th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST 2012), September 18-21 2012, Tomsk, Russia. – IEEE. – P.208-211.
Gusev A. A., Fedorova I. A., Tkachev A. G., Godymchuk A. Yu., et al. (2012) Acute Toxic and Cytogenetic Effects of Carbon Nanotubes on Aquatic Organisms and Bacteria // Nanotechnologies in Russia. 7 (9–10). P. 509–5
Godymchuk A.Yu., Savel`ev G.G., Gorbatenko D.V. Dissolution of Copper Nanopowders in Inorganic Biological Media //Russian Journal of General Chemistry - т. 80, 2010, - № 5. - c. 881-888.
Godymchuk A., Arzamastseva E., Yunda E. Study of the Nanoparticles Dispersions in Environmental Liquid Media // Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 27-29 July 2011.
Godymchuk A., Kuznetsov D., Arzamastseva E., Milyaeva S., Yunda E. (2010Agglomeration of nanopowders in suspensions based on physiological fluids // in Proc. 4th Int. Seminar “Nanotechnology, energy, plasma, lasers (NEPL-2010)”, Tomsk, O
Godymchuk A., Arzamasteva E., Zykova A., Yunda E. (2011) In vitro study of metal and metal oxides nanoparticles dispersions in liquid media // Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, 19-21 September 2011, London, UK. – London: Society for Experimental biology, 2011. № 1.65.
Godymchuk A., Arzamastseva E., Yunda E. (2011) Dispersion of metal and metal oxides nanoparticles in aquatic environment // Abstracts of the 5th International Seminar “Nanotechnology, energy, plasma, lasers (NEPL-2011)”, November 1-3 2011, Hermsdorf/Jena, Germany. – Hermsdorf: IKTS, 2011. – P.11.
Godymchuk A.Yu. Arzamastseva E.Yu., Yunda E.N. (2010) In-vitro study of nanoparticles properties in biological media. Deutsch-Russisches Forum „Nanophotonics und Nanomaterials“ in Tomsk / Russland, 16–17 September 2010, Tomsk, p.43.
Godymchuk A.Yu. (2009) Nanopowders: occupational and environmental health. Nanotechnology, Energy, Plasma, Lasers: Abstracts of the 3rd Russian-French Semina - Toulouse, France, November 16-18, 2009. - Toulouse: LAAS, 58-63.
Godymchuk A. Yu. (2009) Elaboration of methods for solubility and dissolution rate estimation of nanomaterials in biological media. The 2nd Int. Conf. "Rusnanotech'09", October 6-8, 2009. Moscow, Russia. P.243-244.
Godymchuk A., Gorbatenko D., Saveliev G. (2009) Exposure scenario of nanopowders into test-media. The 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology – Occupational and Environmental Health, Helsinki, Finland, August 26-29, 2009. P.78.
Gorbatenko D.V., Godymchuk A.Y. (2009) Influence of nanopowders dispersion on metal release rate in physiological solutions and distilled water. The 16th Int. Conf. of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientist «Modern Technique and Technologies. MTT’2009». May 4-8, 2009, Tomsk, Russia. P.207-209.
Godymchuk A.Yu. (2008) Development of the experimental approach for metal release study on metal nanoparticles. The 2nd Russian-French Seminar “Nanotechnology, Energy, Plasma, Lasers (NEPL-2008)”, September, 15-21, 2008, Tomsk, Russia. P.44-46.
Godymchuk A.Yu. (2008) Study of metal release from electroexplosive nanopowders. The Europe’s largest Annual Nanotechnology Conf. and exhibition “NANOTECH. Northern Europe 2008”, September, 23-25, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark, P.135.
Godymchuk A.Yu. (2007) Metal Release from Electroexplosive Copper Powders. The 13th Int. Conf. of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientist «Modern Technique and Technologies. MTT’2007». March 26-30, 2007, Tomsk, Russia. 88-91.
Arzamastseva E., Godymchuk A., Yunda E. (2010) Zirconium dioxide release from nanopowders in saline. Int. Conf. on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials “NanoSafe-2010”, Grenoble, France, November 16-18, 2010 – Grenoble, France: Minatec, 2010. - p. 180.
Here is full list of pubications since 2000.