Гынгазов Сергей Анатольевич
Доктор технических наук

Проблемная научно-исследовательская лаборатория электроники, диэлектриков и полупроводников, Ведущий научный сотрудник

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Research interests. 1. The interaction of charged particle beams with ionic dielectrics. 2. Investigation of diffusion-controlled processes in ionic crystals and oxide ceramics at heating of materials by powerful beams of high-energy electrons; 3. Modification of properties of oxide ceramics under irradiation by beams charged particles. 4. Development of principle new radiation technologies of ceramics sintering and modification its properties. The main scientific results. It have been revealed the phenomenon of high-temperature radiation-stimulated diffusion of impurities in ionic crystals. The phenomena on of the radiation accelerated diffusion of oxygen in polycrystalline ferrites under action of an intensive electronic irradiation on ceramic material has been established. The results can be used in the fabrication of polycrystalline ferrite materials with the desired level of oxygen stoichiometry and the physical properties. The basic regularities of changing the properties of surface layers of oxide ceramics by irradiating an intense beams of low-energy electrons and accelerated ions were established. The experimental data is used to develop radiation-thermal methods of processing of ceramic materials.
The main scientific results

It have been revealed the phenomenon of high-temperature radiation-stimulated diffusion of impurities in ionic crystals. The phenomena on of the radiation accelerated diffusion of oxygen in polycrystalline ferrites under action of an intensive electronic irradiation on ceramic material has been established.
The results can be used in the fabrication of polycrystalline ferrite materials with the desired level of oxygen stoichiometry and the physical properties. The basic regularities of changing the properties of surface layers of oxide ceramics by irradiating an intense beams of low-energy electrons and accelerated ions were established. The experimental data is used to develop radiation-thermal methods of processing of ceramic materials.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
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