I was born in 1958 in Tomsk, am a citizen of Russia. In 1975 I graduated from high school and enrolled at the radio physical Faculty of TSU (specialty - "Optoelectronic devices") from which I graduated in 1980 (diploma engineer) . After graduating from Tomsk State University (TSU) in 1981 I worked as an engineer in Atmospheric Optics Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. From 1983 to 1986 I studied at the graduate school. The theme my dissertation was “The study electrical properties of thin-film systems metal-insulator-metal in extreme environmental conditions and electrical fields”. In 1995 I defended my dissertation and received a degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Since 1996 I working in Рroblem research laboratory of electronics, dielectrics and semiconductors , first as a senior researcher assistant (1996-2012) and later as a leading researcher. Directions of scientific and technical activities: Investigation of diffusion-controlled processes in ionic crystals and oxide ceramics at heating of materials by powerful beam of accelerated electrons. Radiation - thermal modification of properties of oxide ceramics. Work experience in TPU: 20 years. While working at the TPU I have published more than 100 scientific papers, 2 monograph. Author of 25 inventions.