03 февраля 2025 / Monday
/ Неделя нечетная
Основные научные результаты |
With my direct participation, for the first time in the USSR, a setup was created for nanosecond detection of optical absorption under the influence of electron beams. I have proposed and justified the structure of a fundamental defect in oxide systems. This expanded the presentation of radiation-induced phenomena in the oxide system. The role of surface layers modified by ions of the ions in increasing the wear resistance of materials during friction is shown and justified, which makes it possible to scientifically increase the wear resistance of materials of tribological pairs by ion beams. Together with my colleagues, I have established the role of acoustic vibrations generated by friction in the destruction of tribosystem materials. This is actually a new mechanism for the destruction of solids during friction. Under my leadership, the formation of secondary structures on titanium alloys during friction is shown for the first time. The mechanism of their formation is revealed and the role of secondary structures in increasing wear resistance is established. This is crucial for the use of titanium alloys in tribological pairs. Currently, I am studying the optical properties of Al-Si-N films at temperatures from 80 to 450 K (simulating space conditions) when exposed to electron beams with nanosecond time resolution.