Гаврилин Алексей Николаевич
Доктор технических наук

Отделение машиностроения, Профессор

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03 февраля 2025 / Monday / Неделя нечетная
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Program track “Design and engineering support of machine-building production” BACHELOR'S DEGREE PROGRAMME Discipline “Hydraulic Machines and Hydro-pneumatic drive” Purpose of training: study of the devices, the main characteristics of the elements, the basis of the design and operation of Hydro-pneumatic drive Discipline “Reliability and diagnostics of technological systems” Purpose of training: the study of methods and means of technological systems diagnostics for operability determination of the key elements of the system (machine-tool, device, instrument) and for reliability increase of the technological systems Discipline “Equipment and implement of automatic production line” Purpose of training: optimal constructions design of the technological equipment, depending on the production type, equipment and the technological process developed under automated production conditions. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME Discipline “Technical support of quality and reliability of technological systems” Purpose of training: the integrated use of knowledge and skills to improve the accuracy and quality of machining process in steps: • technological process design • technological process implementation at various types of production Discipline “Instruments and equipment for control of technological equipment” Purpose of training: the integrated use of devices and equipment while implementing the non-destructive testing methods to determine the serviceability and to detect the defects of technological equipment used to perform the process. Discipline “Monitor gauges for the technological equipment status” Purpose of training: purpose, device, characteristics and use of sensors in the control systems of technological equipment. Course “Research work during the semester” Purpose of training: obtaining skills of research work in the professional field (information and analytical search, modeling, design, writing articles and patents). Course “Teaching practice” Purpose of training: obtaining skills of technical disciplines teacher
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