Гаврилин Алексей Николаевич
Доктор технических наук

Отделение машиностроения, Профессор

Вн. телефон: 2622
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03 февраля 2025 / Monday / Неделя нечетная
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Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering¸ associate professor

Теl: 8 (3822) 41-73-07

Interphone: 2768

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Birthdate: 19.01.1960

Place of birth: Aleksandrov-Sakhalinskiy, Sakhalin region

Science degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences


Tomsk polytechnic university, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Department of Powder metallurgy and spray coatings, engineer, 1982

Tomsk polytechnic university, doctoral studies, 1985-1988

Employment career:

1982-1984 Department of Powder Metallurgy and Spray Coating, engineer

1984- Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering, Senior engineer, laboratory chief

1988-1991 Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering, Assistant

1991- Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering, senior lecturer

1998- Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering, vice associate professor

2002- Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering, associate professor

2002-conferment of a higher degree

Occupational life: 34 years

Lecturer professional experience: 25 years

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