Евдокимов Кирилл Евгеньевич
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Исследовательская школа физики высокоэнергетических процессов, Доцент

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Подборка электронных публикаций по теме исследования
  1. Priya Raman, Justin Weberski, Matthew Cheng, Ivan Shchelkanov, and David N. Ruzic, A high power impulse magnetron sputtering model to explain high deposition rate magnetic field configurations, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 163301 (2016)
  2. S. Mahieu, W. P. Leroy, K. Van Aeken, and D. Depla Modeling the flux of high energy negative ions during reactive magnetron sputtering, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 093302 (2009)
  3. B. C. Zheng, Z. L. Wu, B. Wu, Y. G. Li, and M. K. Lei, A global plasma model for reactive deposition of compound films by modulated pulsed power magnetron sputtering discharges, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 171901 (2017)
  4. A. Curcio, F. Bisesto, G. Costa, A. Biagioni, M. P. Anania, R. Pompili, M. Ferrario, and M. Petrarca, Modeling and diagnostics for plasma discharge capillaries, Phys. Rev. E 100, 053202
  5. Shivam Gupta, Reetesh Kumar Gangwar, Rajesh Srivastava, Diagnostics of Ar/N2 mixture plasma with detailed electron-impact argon fine-structure excitation cross sections, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Volume 149, November 2018, Pages 203-213
  6. S. De Benedictis, G. Dilecce, Vibrational relaxation of N2(C, v) state in N2 pulsed rf discharge: electron impact and pooling reactions, Chemical Physics, Volume 192, Issue 2, 1 March 1995, Pages 149-162
  7. 7 M. Hannemann, S. Hamann, I. Burlacov, K. Börner, J. Röpcke, Langmuir probe and optical diagnostics of active screen N2–H2 plasma nitriding processes with admixture of CH4, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 235, 25 November 2013, Pages 561-569
  8. Christophe O. Laux, Laurent Pierrot, Richard J. Gessman , State-to-state modeling of a recombining nitrogen plasma experiment, Chemical Physics, Volume 398, 4 April 2012, Pages 46-55
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