Подборка онлайн-ресурсов по преподаваемой дисциплине
Подборка онлайн-ресурсов по дисциплине
Подборка электронных публикаций по теме исследования - Priya Raman, Justin Weberski, Matthew Cheng, Ivan Shchelkanov, and David N. Ruzic, A high power impulse magnetron sputtering model to explain high deposition rate magnetic field configurations, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 163301 (2016)
- S. Mahieu, W. P. Leroy, K. Van Aeken, and D. Depla Modeling the flux of high energy negative ions during reactive magnetron sputtering, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 093302 (2009)
- B. C. Zheng, Z. L. Wu, B. Wu, Y. G. Li, and M. K. Lei, A global plasma model for reactive deposition of compound films by modulated pulsed power magnetron sputtering discharges, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 171901 (2017)
- A. Curcio, F. Bisesto, G. Costa, A. Biagioni, M. P. Anania, R. Pompili, M. Ferrario, and M. Petrarca, Modeling and diagnostics for plasma discharge capillaries, Phys. Rev. E 100, 053202
- Shivam Gupta, Reetesh Kumar Gangwar, Rajesh Srivastava, Diagnostics of Ar/N2 mixture plasma with detailed electron-impact argon fine-structure excitation cross sections, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Volume 149, November 2018, Pages 203-213
- S. De Benedictis, G. Dilecce, Vibrational relaxation of N2(C, v) state in N2 pulsed rf discharge: electron impact and pooling reactions, Chemical Physics, Volume 192, Issue 2, 1 March 1995, Pages 149-162
- 7 M. Hannemann, S. Hamann, I. Burlacov, K. Börner, J. Röpcke, Langmuir probe and optical diagnostics of active screen N2–H2 plasma nitriding processes with admixture of CH4, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 235, 25 November 2013, Pages 561-569
- Christophe O. Laux, Laurent Pierrot, Richard J. Gessman , State-to-state modeling of a recombining nitrogen plasma experiment, Chemical Physics, Volume 398, 4 April 2012, Pages 46-55