Краснокутская Елена Александровна
Доктор химических наук

Научно-образовательный центр Н.М.Кижнера, Заведующий кафедрой - руководитель научно-образовательного центра на правах кафедры

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11 июля 2024 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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80 contact hours, 64 independent hours
Spring semester (4 credits)
Basic organic chemistry content
1. Bonding in organic chemistry • Electronic structure of atoms • Lewis model of bonding • Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model • Molecular Orbital theory of covalent bonding
• Electronic structure of atoms
• Lewis model of bonding
• Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model
• Molecular Orbital theory of covalent bonding
2. Chemical Reactivity
• Reaction energetics
• Intermediates
• Relative stabilities of intermediates
• Acids and bases
3. Classes of organic compounds
• Alkane and cycloalcanes
• Alkenes
• Alkines
• Alkyl halides
• Alcohols end ethers
• Aldehydes and ketones
• Carboxylic Acids end functional derivatives of carboxylic Acids
• Amines
• Aromatics I: benzene and its derivatives
• Aromatics II: reactions of benzene and its derivatives
Basic Organic Chemistry
Supplementary materials
Organic chemistry portal
The Organic Chemistry Portal offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists. 
History of Chemistry: Nikolai Kizhner
Green chemistry articles of interest to the pharmaceutical industry
Palladium-catalysed coupling chemistry
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