Краснокутская Елена Александровна
Доктор химических наук

Научно-образовательный центр Н.М.Кижнера, Заведующий кафедрой - руководитель научно-образовательного центра на правах кафедры

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11 июля 2024 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Oxidation of alkenes and alkynes to 1,2-diketones
Synthesis of Iodoorganics:
• A green solvent-free iodination and synthesis of iodinated medicines
• Iodination of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds via aprotic diazotization of amines
Funded research projects
• Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR) Project No 96-03-33054. 1996-1998 «New reactions and reagents for organic synthesis»
• RFBR Project No 14-03-00743а, 2014-2016 г. « Synthesis, properties and applications of a new kind of aromatic diazonium salts» Project No 14-03-00743а, 2014-2016 г.
• Russian Ministry of Science and Education Scientific Project № 214/226 (2014-2016) 2014-2016. (New reactions and reagents for syntheses of medicines and target drug delivery systems)
• Russian Ministry of Science and Education Scientific Project № 4.1991.2014/К 2014-2016 «Synthesis of heterocycles for preparation of new materials for technology and medicine»
• Russian Scientific Fund «New approaches to polyfunctional heterocyclic ligands and metal-organic frameworks based on them» Project № 15-13-10023 (2015-2018)
• Department of Chemistry Ulsan University (South Korea) Prof. Ki-Whan Chi
• Department of Chemistry Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Germany) Prof. P. Knochel
• Department of solid state Chemistry UST Prague (Czech Republic) Prof. Bohumil Kratochvíl
• Institute of Petroleum Chemistry (Tomsk), Dr. Ogorodnikov V.D.
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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