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19 октября 2024 / Saturday / Неделя нечетная
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"Fundamentals of exploration, prospecting and geological and economic evaluation of mineral resources" The discipline goal is to train specialists, who have an experience in forecasting, geological and economic evaluation of mineral deposits; steady skills of documentation, mining testing, plans and sections constructing, estimation of natural deposits, analysis of obtained results, including foreign language. “Rational methods of forecasting, exploration, geological and economical assessment of rare and radioactive element deposits” The discipline goal is to form students' ability to understand, to analyze and to investigate the regularities of mineral resources, to know the principles of industrial typification of mineral deposits and economy of minerals, to choose rational research complex. “History and methods of geological sciences” The discipline goal is to give general overview on the development of geological sciences, to reveal the principle issues of scientific research methodology and composition, to reflect modern ideas of some philosophic problems of geology. The important objective of the course is a study of the history of native geology at the general background of the development of geological know ledge.

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