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• 1982 – a winner of socialist competition

• 1993 – a honour of exploration

• 1998 – certificate of honours from Department of Natural Resources

• 2001 – memorial sign “300 years of Mining and geological service of Russia”

• 2006 – medal “300 years of Mining and geological service of Russia”

• 2006 – Certificate of Honour of Tomsk city hall

• 2007 – Certificate of Honour of Tomsk region Government

• 2008 – Honored Explorationist

• 2010 – Full member of IARE (the International Academy of Real Economy)

• 2010 – Corresponding Member of RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

• Diploma of II degree "The Best Research Work–2012" in the nomination "Scientific development"

• Diploma of the participant of competition "Gold medal Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2013" in the nomination "New directions and technology of field exploration"

• Certificate of Professional Engineer of Russia, All-Russian Contest "Engineer of the Year" in the nomination – “Geology, land management, surveying, cartography – 2013” (Moscow).

• Honored Geologist of Russian Federation, 30.05.2014, order № 357.

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