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Research interests: modeling socio-economic processes, expert assessment of economic objects, development of algorithms.

She has 127 publications, including 27 articles from the list recommended by the WAC, 2 monographs, 4 articles in foreign journals (SCOPUS), 9 certificates of state registration of computer programs, textbook stamped UMO. Artist Grant RFH №09-02-00372 - in /, RHF, №11-02-12017v, RFBR, №15-37-10459 mol_g, RFFI №14-07-06802_mol_g_1, Federal Program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia "for 2009-2013" by lot code "2011-1.4-502-004" "Conducting search of scientific research in order to develop nationwide mobility in the field of information and telecommunication technology and computer systems," the grant of the governor of the Kemerovo region for young scientists - Candidates of Sciences, 2010, the head of Russian Federal Property Fund grants 3 - participation of young Russian scientists in scientific events held in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Scientific and methodical development of the author awarded medals of international and national exhibitions and scientific and technological innovations.

Under the leadership of Chernysheva TY students achieved the following research results:

- Winner of the contest of the International Scientific Foundation for Economic Studies. Academician NP Fedorenko, the International Competition of young analysts, the International Olympiad on economic, fiscal discipline and management, the All-Russian contest of information technologies and information security "Intellectual Russia", eighth, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth-Russia Olympic Games of development of the Russian economy, international competition of research works of students and Students' knowledge Magnet "; International Student Olympiad in Information Technology in the Siberian Federal District of Russia «IT-Planet 2011"; All-Russian competition of scientific and innovative projects, and students of the ACT VPO, graduate students and young scientists in the direction of "Information and Telecommunication Systems" (2014)

- The diplomas of international and national conferences,

- Prize of Tomsk region in the sphere of education, science, health and culture (2009, 2014, 2015)

- The winner of the contest "The best student of the year, TPU" (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015).

2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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