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Information systems and technologies in analytical economics.
The purpose of this course is to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the basics of architecture and functioning of information systems. Students learn about the properties of complex systems, a systematic approach to their study, the concepts of control systems, principles of information systems, their classification, architecture, composition and functional subsystems, the use of modern information technologies for the development and application of information technologies and systems.

Project Management Information Systems.
The purpose of this course is to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in project management methodology, as well as the formation of students ' experiences in the use of modern information technologies for project management information systems.

Theory of algorithms.
Discipline aims to familiarize the undergraduate with the basic concepts and methods of the theory of algorithms, focusing on their use in practical, research and scientific activities. As a result of mastering the discipline a student should be attained the following results: to develop an algorithm for solving the problem, formalize the problem of certain classes in terms of the theory of algorithms.

Basic research.
The course is aimed at providing skills and study skills students issues and peculiarities of scientific and research works, process of management Research and Development. While studying the bachelors must learn to the practical work on the formation of bids, offers, evaluation and research, preparation of scientific articles and works.

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