Бурков Петр Владимирович
Доктор технических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор
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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Burkov Petr Vladimirovich, Professor of the Electrical Engineering and Automation Department of Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB); Professor of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Department of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); DSc-holder in engineering sciences (Doctoral Degree Programme 05.16.09 Materials Science In Mechanical Engineering); Senior Research Scientist in Solid State Physics academic program. H-indices is 4 in the Russian Science Citation Index and 2 in Scopus. DSc Thesis on Materials Science In Mechanical Engineering carried out in 2009. The DSc Degree approved by the Higher Attestation Commission Presidium on 12 March 2010. Publications: over 130 scientific papers including 60 for the past five years; 2 author's certificates; 3 monographs including one in co-authorship; 10 teaching aids including 6 with the stamp from the Education and Methodics Association. Research scope: The main activity is focused on the innovative and technological problems in the field of mineral and raw material resources and fuel and energy industry connected to design, production, research, operation, and repair of mining machinery and the equipment of different functional purposes. Achievements: 1. The lifecycle forecast for complex engineering system based on the description of movement and interaction between machine operating members in extracting minerals and pipeline laying. For example, the test process modeling of a powered support unit or the construction of the finite element model of a water-logged pipeline area. 2. The reliability improvement of engineering systems both at design and production stages including further operation. The external effects on the engineering system resulting in the irreversible processes can be prevented by the modelling of its behavior accounting for the operational characteristics accepted in engineering system standards and regulations. For example, the development of a mathematical rationale for balancing the slide-crank mechanism of a tunnel boring machine and a mechanism of interaction between the mining tool and rock. 3. The production based on a high level of the modern materials science and production technique as well as the use of rock cutting tools and the wear of rotary rock and coal boring tools.