Бурков Петр Владимирович
Доктор технических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор
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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Since 1980, Burkov has worked at Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (SB RAS), and since 1984 has been a student of Postgraduate Courses at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS. In 1988, Burkov defended his PhD Thesis on Solid State Physics ‘The structural formation, phase composition and properties of TiC-NiTi alloy’ in Russian, under the supervision of Professor Panin Viktor Evgen'evich. In 1989, Burkov took the position of senior researcher, and from 1991 till 2000 he has worked as the academic secretary at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS. Burkov participated in the foundation of the State research Centre of this Institute. He supervised the section of the Interdepartmental Regional Program ‘Siberia’. During the period from 1999 till 2006, Burkov has held classes on Decorative Coating Technology, Mechanical-Engineering Technology, Machine Components, and Intellectual Property Protection at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, TPU. Since 2007 till present, Burkov holds classes on CAD of Pipeline Transfer Systems, Engineering System Control, and Intellectual Property Protection at Yurga Institute of Technology, TPU affiliate and the Institute of Natural Resources (TPU). DSc Thesis on Materials Science In Mechanical Engineering carried out in 2009. The DSc Degree approved by the Higher Attestation Commission Presidium on 12 March 2010. Publications: over 130 scientific papers including 61 for the past five years; 2 author's certificates; 3 monographs including one in co-authorship; 10 teaching aids including 6 with the stamp from the Education and Methodics Association. Student research publications: over 40 scientific papers in co-authorship with students; over 50 abstracts to student papers submitted to research conferences. Membership: TSUAB Dissertation Council; Editorial staff of Vestnik TSUAB (included in the List of Higher Attestation Commission, Russia).