In course «Comprehensive workflow automation» the main types of automated control systems (ACS) of workflow (WF), the software for description of processing equipment by state space models are considered. The questions of observability and controllability of automated systems, stability and optimization of the workflow are studied. Modern synthesis techniques of adaptive and optimal controllers in the automated control systems of processing equipment with actuating electric drive are applied. Special attention is given to multilevel ACS with algorithms of the time-varying parameter identification and the nonmetering state variable estimation of WF in real time mode. Examples of WF automation by means of SCADA systems – Trace Mode, Genesis, MasterScada are given. Standard algorithms of data collection and processing in ACS of WF, principles of decomposition and aggregation of algorithmic software of multilevel ACS are given. To choose hardware and software of ACS of widely spread workflows the engineering methods of the final solution characteristics analysis and feasibility calculations are presented.