Белинская Наталия Сергеевна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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  • Thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanisms of reactions emerged in the process of the catalytic hydrocracking / hydroisomerization of middle distillates
  • Mathematical modelling and optimization of the catalytic hydrocracking / hydroisomerization of middle distillates
  • Development of computer modelling systems of petroleum re-refining processes


  1. Belinskaya N.S., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Frantsina E.V., Silko G.Y. Mathematical model of straight run diesel catalytic hydroisomerization // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2014 – Vol. 21. – Issue 1. - p. 1–7. IF 0.047
    (DOI: 10/1088/1755-1315/21/1/012030)
  2. Belinskaya N.S., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Frantsina E.V., Silko G.Y. Optimal technological parameters of diesel fuel hydroisomerization unit work investigation by means of mathematical modelling method // Procedia Chemistry. – 2014 – Vol. 10. – p. 258–266
    (DOI: 10.1016/j.proche.2014.10.043)
  3. Belinskaya N.S., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Silko G.Y. Effect of feed composition changing at naphtha catalytic reforming unit due to involvement of gasoline fraction obtained by diesel fuels hydrodewaxing into the processing // Procedia Chemistry. – 2014 – Vol. 10. – p. 267–270
    (DOI: 10.1016/j.proche.2014.10.044)
  4. Dolganova I.O., Dolganov I.M., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Belinskaya N.S., Platonov V.V. Reactor-regenerator system joint work optimization in benzene alkylation with higher olefins unit // Procedia Chemistry. – 2014 – Vol. 10. – p. 547–554
    (DOI: 10.1016/j.proche.2014.10.093)
  5. Y. Chsherbakova, I. Dolganova, N. Belinskaya. Benzene alkylation with ethylene process mathematical modeling // Proceedings of IFOST 2012. The 7th International Forum on Strategic Technology IFOST 2012. September 17 – 21, 2012. – p. 50 – 53. (DOI: 10.1109/IFOST.2012.6357494)

Results of intellectual activity:

  1. Computer program for calculation of benzene alkylation with ethylene and transalkytation of polyethylbenzene on zeolite catalyst. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2012618237. Priority date: 11.09.2012
  2. Modelling system for prognosis of ecological properties of petrochemical products obtained by conversion of hydrocarbon fractions C12–C27. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2013615349. Priority date: 05.06.2013
  3. Computer program for calculation of technological parameters of the hydrodewaxing of atmospheric gasoil/visbreaking gasoline mixture. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2013618740. Priority date: 17.09.2013
  4. Computer program for diagnostics of rejections in the dehydrogenation of higher paraffins unit operation. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2013618742. Priority date: 17.09.2013
  5. Computer program for generation of initial data for calculation and prognosis of naphtha catalytic reforming and diesel fuel catalytic hydrodewaxing using computer modelling system. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2013619630. Priority date: 11.10.2013
  6. Complex modelling system for prognosis of alkylation units operation. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2014613152. Priority date: 19.03.2014
  7. A system for supporting of the straight run catalytic hydrodewaxing process. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2014661067. Priority date: 01.09.2014
  8. Modelling system of cumene technology. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2014661320. Priority date: 01.09.2014
  9. Calculation of parameters of vacuum gasoil catalytic cracking. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2014661321. Priority date: 28.10.2014
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