Белинская Наталия Сергеевна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

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10 февраля 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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Date of birth: 18.03.1989
Place of birth: Angarsk, Irkutsk region, Russia

Education and skills improvement:
2010 – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, BSc in processes and technology in the field of “Chemical engineering and biotechnology”, specialized in “Basic processes of chemical industry and chemical cybernetics”,  graduated with honours
2012 – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, MSc in processes and technology in the field of  “Chemical engineering and biotechnology”, specialized in “Processes and equipment of chemical engineering”, graduated with honours
2012 – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, qualification “Economist”, specialtized in “Accounting and Audit in business companies”, graduated with honours
present – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, qualification «Lecturer-researcher», full-time postgraduate student
2012 – Language training «General English» (60 hours), Charles University, Prague, the Czech Republic
2013 – Scientific training at the University of Southampton, Southampton, the United Kingdom (19.08.2013-19.11.2013). Topic of the research: “Investigation of mixing reactants in alkylation of benzene with ethylene using methods of computational fluid dynamics”
2014 – First Certificate in English

Professional activities:
01.03.2013-present – engineer, Department of Fuel Engineering and Chemical Cybernetics, Tomsk Polytechnic University
01.02.2014-present – assistant lecturer, Department of Fuel Engineering and Chemical Cybernetics, Tomsk Polytechnic University


  • Bronze medal «For Merit to the Tomsk Polytechnic University» (2012)
  • Winner of the premium of Tomsk region in the area of education, science, healthcare, and culture for outstanding achievements in the area of education and science, that exert an effective influence on the development of economic and social services in Tomsk region (2014)
  • Scholarship winner of the Russian Federation President for young scientists and postgraduate students, who carry out the prospective scientific research and the development towards the priority directions of the Russian economy modernization (2013-2015)
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