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1. Bannova K.A., Rumina Yu.A. consolidated corporate tax system: Russian and foreign aspects. - Tomsk: STT, 2014 - 320 c.

2. Rumina Yu.A., Balandinf A.S., Bannova K.A. Tax stimulation of economic entities in modern conditions. - Tomsk: STT, 2014 - 320 c.


3. Bannova K.A. Modernization of tax consolidated group of taxpayers // Finance and credit / L.S. Grinkevich, K.A. Bannova. - 2014 - №. 17. - C. 40-50.

4. Bannova K.A. Systematization features tax consolidated group of taxpayers in other developed countries // Taxes and Financial Law / Bannova KA,
Rumina YU.A.- 2014.- №3.- pp 286-297.

5. Bannova K.A. Background of the consolidated group of taxpayers in the Russian Federation [electronic resource] // Modern problems of education and science
/ FG Babaev. K. A Bannov, AB Zhdanov. - 2014 - №. 3. - C. 1-8. - Mode of access: http://www.science-education.ru/117-13634

6. Bannova KA Property tax consolidated group of taxpayers in the Romano-Germanic legal system [electronic resource] // Modern problems of education and science /
KA Bannova, EN Dyrin, AB Zhdanov. - 2014 - №. 3. - C. 1-8. - Mode of access: http://www.science-education.ru/117-13.

7. Bannova KA, Grinkevich LS Russian model tax consolidated group of taxpayers: the direction of modernization // Theoretical and practical issues of science XXIv .:
collection of papers of the International scientifically-practical conference. 28 February 2014 .: 2 h. P.2 / otv.red. AA Sukiassyan. - Ufa: RIC BSU, 2014. - 40-46s.

8. Bannova KA, Grinkevich LS towards reforming the tax system consolidated group of taxpayers // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Economy.
- 2013 - №. 3 (23). - C. 139-145.

9. Bannova KA, Grinkevich LS Systematics features combining to form a consolidated group of taxpayers // Bulletin of the Volga University VN Tatishcheva.
- 2013 - №. 4 (29). - C. 87-94.

10. Bannova KA Methods of risk management system of interaction between participants of the consolidated group of taxpayers // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University.
Economy. - 2013 - №. 4 (24). - C. 116-125.

11. Bannova KA, Yu.A. Ryumina Transfer pricing regulation in Russia // Vestnik Altai Academy of Economics and Law. -2013. - № 3 (30). - Pp 98-101.

12. Bannova KA, Yu.A. Ryumina Causes and effects of consolidation taxpayers // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Economy. - 2013. -№ 2 (22). - P. 141-146.

13. KA Bannova The model system of consolidated taxation // Actual problems of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation: Theses of the First international
conference of graduate students on the 20th anniversary of the AAEP / under red.Yu.G.Shvetsova.-Barnaul: Izd AAEP, 2013.- 88c.

14. KA Bannova The consolidated group of taxpayers // Current issues in modern economics: a fresh look and new solutions: materials of International youth academic
and research conference (Tomsk, November 26-27, 2012). - Tomsk.- 2013. - P. 45-49.

15. KA Bannova Peculiarities of taxation of consolidated groups of taxpayers in other developed countries // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University.
Economy. 2012. - №2 (18). - P. 77-80.

16. KA Bannova Consolidated group of taxpayers as a way of combating tax evasion // Problems of counteraction of tax avoidance at the present stage of development
of the Russian tax system: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference (Irkutsk, September 20-21, 2012) / under scientific. Ed. AP Kireenko.
- Irkutsk: Publishing BGUEP.- 2012. - S.12-15.

17. KA Bannova Applying the model of consolidated taxpayers in the European Union and their impact on taxation in the regions of the Russian Federation // Modern problems
of regional development: proceedings of the 5th All-Russian Scientific Practical Conference (April 21, 2012). - Prokopevsk.-2012.- S.77-79.

18. KA Bannova Reforming the tax system taxpayers consolidated financial and economic modernization of the Russian economy // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University.
Economy. 2011. - №2 (14). - P. 131-135.

19. KA Bannova Consolidated taxpayers: the nature, characteristics and tax administration // Modern problems of science-XXI Century: Proceedings of the VII Sb.nauch.tr.po
mezhdunar.nauch.-practical conference. (March 29, 2011) - Tambov: Tambov Regional Publishing Training Institute of Education. 2011.- Vyp.7. - CH.4.- S.9-11.

20. KA Bannova Development of the system of taxation of consolidated taxpayers in Russia // INEM - 2011: Proceedings of the I All-Russian scientific-practical conference in
the field of innovation, economics and management with international participation / ed. A.A.Dulzona; Tomsk Polytechnic universitet.- Tomsk: Izd Tomsk Polytechnic University,
2011. - pp 54 - 56

21. Bannova K.A.Problemy tax consolidated groups abroad and in Russia // Problems of Accounting and Finance, a quarterly scientific journal. 2011. - №3.- S.39-41.

22. KA Bannova Consolidated group of taxpayers in Russia: Problems and prospects of implementation // Innovative development of trade and services in the modernization
of the Russian economy. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference. - Kazan: Print-Service-XXI century, 2011.- S.307-313.

23. KA Bannova Taxation consolidated taxpayers abroad and in Russia // Modernisation of the tax system of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects: proceedings of the
All-Russian scientific-practical conference of graduate students and young scientists. - Tomsk: Positive-NB, 2010.- S.19-21.

24. KA Bannova Analysis of the current trends lending in Russia // Actual problems of socio-economic development: proceedings of the Interregional Scientific Practical Conference
(14 April 2007) - Prokopevsk.-2011.- S.80-85.
25. KA Bannova Problems of Industrial safety // Actual problems of socio-economic and environmental development of the region: Materials II interregional student scientific
and practical conference (April 12, 2008) - Prokopevsk.-2008.- S.22-25.

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