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05 февраля 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Awards and achievements:

1. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for graduate of state educational institutions of higher education subordinated Rosobrazovanie for 2012/2013 academic year (2012) (Order of the Russian Ministry of 19.11.2012 №935 on appointment to a scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation);

2. Diploma of II place in the II regional student scientific and practical conference (Prokopyevsk) (2008)..

3. Award for the best paper memory Honored Scientist of Russia Professor A.P.Bychkova (2010)..

4. Diploma of II degree for a report on the international conference I graduate "Actual problems of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation" in AAEP Bratislava (2013)..

5. Thanks for the training of young professionals in the field of Finance (2014)..

6. The certificate of attendance at the sixth Russian-Ukrainian Symposium on "Theory and Practice of Tax Reform" (St. Petersburg, 2014).

7. Certificate of participation of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative development of modern science" (Ufa, 2014).

8. Certificate of participation of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of science of XXI century" (Ufa, 2014).

9. Acknowledgement of the Council of Young Scientists of the high initiative and effectiveness in research and significant contribution to the development of scientific and educational complex in Natsinalnom Research Tomsk State University and on the Day of Science (2013).

10. Certificate of participation in the first inter-regional scientific conference of graduate students "Actual problems of socio-economic development" (2013.).

11. Extract from the order number 1449 / c 29 May 2012. of increased scholarships.

12. Order number 639s of 15 March 2011 on the increased scholarships.

13. Evidence of a professional development seminar on the program: "Processing and presentation of accounting data for use by the leaders of the organization" in the amount of 52 hours (2011).

14. Certificate of Attendance B1 (2011).

15. Certificate of Attendance B2 (2011).

16. The letter of thanks for their participation in the III regional student scientific and practical conference "Actual socio-economic and legal aspects of development of the region" (Prokopyevsk, 2009).

17. Certificate of participation in the III All-Russian economic forum of students, young scientists at the Tomsk State University from 3 to 7 March 2008. (2008).

18. The letter of thanks for their active participation in regional student scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of regional economic and social development" (Prokopyevsk, 2007).

19. Certificate of Training at the Faculty training and guidance (2005)..

20. Diploma of participant scientific-practical conference "Lyceum Spring - 2005" (2005).