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The "transformation of scientific paradigms and communicative practices in contemporary society." Federal Target Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovation in Russia» 2009-2013., As part of the event № 1.2.1Scientific research under the guidance of doctors. GC P862 from 18.08.2009 to 31.07.2011 - 4, 5 mln. In 2011 - 1 million rub.: A.A. Kornienko

The "Conceptual model of elite engineering education in university of innovative type". The federal target program "Scientific research under the guidance of doctors in the areas of philosophy, sociology and culture; philology and history of art; psychology and pedagogics. »GK 16.740.11.0551 from 23.05.2011 to 11.19.2013 (Subject TPU - 11.705 C) - 3 million rubles. In 2011 - 1 million rubles: G.I. Petrova (A.A.Kornienko the head of the department)

The "Cross-cultural interaction as the factor of societyriskogenics minimization and the establishment of tolerant relations in the global socio-cultural space." The federal target program "Scientific research under the guidance of doctors in the field of intercultural communication, security and conflict management in various regions of the world with research and scientific and educational institutions in Germany." GK 16.740.11.0743 from 17.10.2011 - 11.19.2013 (Subject TPU - 11.769S. 2011) - 2.4 million rubles. 2011 - 0.8 million rubles. I.V. Tournaev(A.A.Kornienko)

GK 14.741.11.0279 (TPU subject - 11.775S.2011) from 12.10.2011 to 14.10.2011.Federal target program "Organizational and technical support of the Russia-wide Scientific School" Organizational, informational and administrative issues to stimulate innovative activity of the youth in the system of higher education »» .2011 - 0.585 million rubles.N. V. Lukyanova, A.A.Kornienko(O.V.Bleicher)

Philosophy, Sociology and Culture "on the issue of scientific paradigms and communicative practicestransformation in contemporary society»( 4500000 rubles). Completion date - December 31, 2011, The Head of the project

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