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05 февраля 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Ph.D. student cooperation PhD thesis defense 2011/06/17 - Igor B. Ardashkin "Phenomenology of scientific problems, from classical science to postnonclassical." 09.00.01 - Ontology and theory of knowledge. Dissertation committee 212.267.01 of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tomsk State University Master thesis defense

2011/06/17 - Oleg V. Kurachev "Interaction of state and civil society (socio-philosophical aspect)"

2007/12/26 - Irina Zhuravleva "The specificity of power relations under the conditions of Russian society transformation of late XX and early XXI century"

2007/03/27 - Elena Opletaeva "The nature of constitutional state in the context of spiritual mode"

2007/10/26 - Oksana Y. Nesterova "Social and philosophical aspects of the conceptualization of creativity"

2009/06/02 - ZaharBelyakov "Concept of photos in Western philosophy of the twentieth century: the problem of the language thematization of photography "

2009/02/26 - Sergey V. Bukhtoyarov "Interaction of state and civil society in the cultural aspect

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