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19 октября 2024 / Saturday / Неделя нечетная
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Antropov Nikolai Andreyevich, who was born in 1957. in Leninogorsk East - Kazakhstan region. In 1975. He entered the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute of Physics and Technology Faculty specialty: Physics and power plants. In 1981. graduated, was distributed to the Ignalina nuclear power plant, in the same year, taking the detachment. Engineer at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at Tomsk Polytechnic Institute in the lab number 31. 1981 - 1991 work in the Institute of Nuclear Physics at Tomsk Polytechnic Institute in laboratories 31, IRL NSD (Industrial Research Laboratory of Nuclear silicon doping). In 1989. applicant defended his PhD degree in physics from the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, awarded a Head: Dr. 1992 - 2005 work in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the REC (Regional Energy Company). 2005. Job in Tomsk Polytechnic University in the Department of General Physics, senior lecturer, associate professor.gineer, junior researcher, scientific, senior researcher.
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