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19 февраля 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Course of general physics chasti№ 1,2,3.

Part №1: Mechanics, molecular physics, thermodynamics.
Mechanics - part of physics that studies the laws of mechanical motion and the reasons for his cause.
Molecular Physics - the branch of physics that studies the structure and properties of a substance based on the molecular - kinetic concepts, based on the fact that all bodies consist of molecules are in constant motion.
Thermodynamics - the branch of physics that studies the properties of macroscopic systems in thermodynamic equilibrium and the processes of transition between these states.

Part №2: Electrostatics and direct current, magnetism.
Electrostatics studies the laws of interaction of fixed electric charges.
Terms of electric current.Magnetism is studying the causes and laws of interaction of magnetic fields and moving electric charges.

Part №3: Wave optics and elements of quantum mechanics.
Wave optics studies the laws of propagation and interaction of electromagnetic waves in matter.
As part of the "elements" of quantum mechanics, the basic laws of motion of quantum

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