Andreev Vladimir I. was born 16.04.1954 In 1977 he graduated from the Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, specialty "physical education". From 1984 to 1987 Andreev Vladimir I. studied at the State Central Institute of Physical Culture (Moscow). Andreev Vladimir I. defended the specialized dissertation "The factors that determine the effectiveness of the art remote throws in basketball" in October 1988 (Omsk). Institute of Physical Culture. PhD candidate of pedagogical sciences awarded in March 1989. In June 2001, the Dissertation Council of the Siberian University of Physical Education (Omsk) defended his dissertation "The factors that determine the effectiveness of the art methods of attack in unsupported position in team sports" for the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences. After a long labor and sports way now is to head the Department of Physical Education and has more than 100 publications.