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13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Teaching academic subjects:

-teoretical and applied mechanics;

-theory of mechanisms and machines.

Methodical manuals on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Стержневые системы методичкаУ.pdf
Shaft assembly. Analysis of typical designs. Part 1
Shafts assembly. Typical designs of the support units. Part 2
Core system (exercises)
Versions construction of support assemblies
Support units (initial data)
Theory of mechanisms and machines
Couse description of TMM
Lecture notes
Individual work on the rotor balancing
Tickets exam
The program for the PC in the TMM
  1. Program for calculation the number of teeth of the planetary gear: SINZYBME (hall 218 hous.3).
  2. Balancing rotors program.Account balances: BALANCING (hall 218 hous.3).
  3. Program for calculation of involute tooth profiles: INVOLUTE (hall 218 hous.3).
  4. The program of calculation of wave transmission: WAVE (hall 218 hous.3).
  5. The program of calculation of cycloidal drive: CYCLO (hall 218 hous.3).
  6. Program geometrical calculation of the cylinder-conical gears: CYLINDRICAL(hall 218 hous.3).

All programs are protected against unauthorized copying

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