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Alexander M. Gurtiakov graduated in 1961 from TPU Department of Mechanical Engineering with the speciality “Technology of Machine Building, Machine Units and Tools”.

He worked as a senior design engineer in special design bureau affiliated with TPU Physico-Technical Faculty in 1961 – 1964.

A.M. Gurtiakov was the teaching assistant in the Department of “Automated Installations”, the Faculty of Automatic Systems in 1964 – 1967.

He became senior lector in the Department “Machine Tools and Metal Cutting”, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 1967 – 1969.

.M. Gurtiakov was the post-graduate student in the Department “Machine Tools and Metal Cutting” in 1969 – 1972.

He worked as the teaching assistant in the Department “Machine Tools and Metal Cutting” in 1972 – 1974.

In April 1974 A.M. Gurtiakov defended his Candidate`s thesis and got the degree of the Candidate of Science in Engineering in November 1974.

In 1978 his academic status of associate professor was confirmed. A.M. Gurtiakov was the associate professor in the Department “Machine Tools and Metal Cutting” in 1975 – 1983.

He has worked as the associate professor in the Department “Automation and Robotics in Machine Building” since 1983.

A.M. Gurtiakov performed the duties of the Associate Dean of Students in Machine Building Faculty in 1982 – 1987 and 1990 – 2004.

He was the quality representative of learning services in Machine Building Faculty and TPU Councilor on Quality in 2000 – 2010. A.M. Gurtiakov has worked in TPU Trade Union Committee for a long time.

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