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The disciplines and the types of classroom hours: Metalworking Machines THE OBJECTIVES AND THE TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE The objective of teaching this discipline is to give the students knowledge on the basic types of modern metal-working equipment and the tendencies of its development under the influence of the newest achievements in different spheres of science and engineering. The tasks of studying the discipline are: let the students form the systematic approach (with the structural analysis and synthesis of machine) and the work of metalworking machines for various applications; let the students successfully complete the methods of making kinematic schemes; inure students to adjust metalworking machines. References
  1. Gurtiakov A.M. Metalworking Machines; teaching guide. Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2009, 350 pages
  2. Metalworking Machines: manual guide. In 2 parts. Part 1/Т.М. Avraamova,V.V. Bushuyev et al.; under the editorship of V.V. Bushuyev. Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Publishing House, 2011, 608 pages with the figures
  3. Metalworking Machines: manual guide. In 2 parts. Part 2/V.V. Bushuyev, A.V.Yeriomin et al.; under the editorship of V.V. Bushuyev. Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Publishing House, 2011, 584 pages with the figures
  4. Gurtiakov A.M. Methodological instructive regulations for the training session on the course “Metalworking Machines”. Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2013.
  5. Gurtiakov A.M. Methodological instructive regulations for laboratory classes. Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2006, 2013, 44 pages. Lectures, training sessions, course work project, graduate qualification work for bachelors and masters.
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