Анищенко Юлия Владимировна
Кандидат технических наук

Исследовательская школа химических и биомедицинских технологий, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 3482
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Level of education: Bachelor's programme

Number of credits: 3

Time resources: 16 hours lectures and 16 hours practices, 16 hours laboratory works, 40 hours of self-study work

The aim of course: the formation of students' of professional safety culture, which means the readiness and ability of the individual to use an obtained set of knowledge and skills to ensure safety in the area of professional activity, as well as the nature of thinking and values, in which safety issues are considered as a priority

As a result of course’s studying the following competencies must be developed: the ability to determine the course's sphere of application in professional activity; the ability to identify harmful and hazardous factors of technosphere according to standards; the ability to choose methods of control and protection against harmful and hazardous factors of technosphere; the ability to identify emergency factors and ways of safety protection in emergency; the ability determine the requirements for workplace organization according to standards; the ability to identify negative factors of people's activity to environment and ways of environment protection.

Course outline: 1. Theory of “Health and Safety”. 2. Safety management 3. Occupational health 4. Occupational safety 5. Safety in emergencies 6. Environmental safety

Learning materials (practical tasks, lectures, self-study work, education guidance) are available