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Research interests

Foreign language teaching methods in a non-language University, psychology, the theory of generations in pedagogics, psychology and teaching methods.
Intercultural communication in teaching English through games.
Intercultural communication in teaching English through games. The laboratory of Linguistics and intercultural communication under the jurisdiction of the Institute of foreign languages in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. – Tambov, 2010
Active methods of teaching foreign language in the University as the ways of motivating students.
Active methods of teaching foreign language in the University as the ways of motivating students. Collection of research papers of XI International Research and Practical Conference of students and young researchers "Communicative aspects of language and culture". - Tomsk: TPU Publishing house, 18th – 20th of May, 2011.
Active methods of studying foreign language in the University.
Active methods of studying foreign language in the University. Collection of research papers of International Research and Practical Conference “Nowadays problems of liberal arts and sciences”. (ISBN), - Volgograd, June 2011.
Publications in English.docx
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