International Conference on Innovations in Non-Destructive Testing (SibTest)

Program Committee:

Vladimir Kluev, Academician of RAS, DSc, Professor
Vladimir Vavilov, DSc, Professor, Vice-President of the Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics
Jurgen Schreiber, CEO German-Korean Company «NUGA LAB GmbH», Prof. Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technology and Systems, Germany
Jörg Bagdahn, Professor, President Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Nikola Sobutinov, Professor, academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Xavier Maldag, Professor, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Valery Borikov, Professor, Director of the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Tomsk Polytechnic University
Walter Arnold, Professor Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Yuri Chugui, Dr. of Sci., Professor, Director of Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering SB RAS (TDI SIE SB RAS)
Alexander Shiplyuk, corresponding member of RAS, Director of Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics named after. S. A. Khristianovich
Evgeny Choynzonov, Professor, Academician of RAS Director of the Tomsk Cancer Research Institute

Organizing Committee:

V.N. Borikov, DSc, Professor, Director of the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Tomsk Polytechnic University
V.I. Syryamkin, DSc., professor, Head of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; President of the Association of Innovative Enterprises and Organizations of Tomsk and Tomsk region
I.B. Stepanov , Professor, Deputy Director of Institute of Non-destructive testing
A.V. Yurchenko, Professor, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
S.E. Shipilov, Ph.D. in Physico-mathematical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Radiophysics National Research Tomsk State University
I.A. Larioshina, Ph.D., assistant the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
А.V. Okhorzina, National Research Tomsk State University
I.A. Lezhnina, Ph.D., Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University