International Conference on Innovations in Non-Destructive Testing (SibTest)


Call for Papers

Conference objective: discussion of innovative methods in non-destructive testing and implementation of advanced technologies in non-destructive testing, cooperation of scientists from different countries in the scientific research, development and adoption of innovative technologies in non-destructive testing. Specialists from Russia and abroad will participate in the conference.
The conference aims to bring youth for participating in the conference in order to integrate young scientists into the world scientific community. School for Young Scientists will work within the framework of the conference.

School for Young Scientists will work within the framework of the conference.

School for Young Scientists will be held on June 28 - 30 2017. The conference provides an opportunity for the participants to attend lectures of the leading scientists, to present their research for discussion, and to get to know well-known scientists from different countries.

Call for Papers:

• Methods and tools for non-destructive testing
• The organizational and methodological issues of specialist training in non-destructive testing
• Methods of NDT in the evaluation of technological safety
• Non-invasive medical diagnostic methods
• Information technologies in non-destructive testing