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Борисенко Сергей Иванович
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Доцент
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  1. S.I. Borisenko. The electrical conductivity of semiconductor superlattices. Methodical manual/ TSU, Tomsk, 1998.-36 P.
  2. S.I. Borisenko. Interference effects in tunneling electron waves in quantum heterostructures and prospects of their use. Methodical manual/ TSU, Tomsk, 1999.-29 P.
  3. S.I. Borisenko. Optical properties of low-dimensional semiconductor structures. Training handbook / TSU, Tomsk, 2007.-23 P.
  4. S.I. Borisenko. The dependence of the resistance of metals and semiconductors on temperature: guidelines for laboratory work E-05A. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2008, 15 P. .
  5. S.I. Borisenko. Determination of the speed of light: guidelines for laboratory work O-16. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2010, 9 P. .
  6. S.I. Borisenko. The physics of semiconductor nanostructures. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2010.-115 P. .
  7. S.I. Borisenko. Measurement of the refractive index of liquids using a refractometer: guidelines for laboratory work O-03. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2012, 12 P. .
  8. S.I. Borisenko. Study of Fraunhofer diffraction at the slit and thread: guidelines for laboratory work O-06. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2012, 12 P. .
  9. S.I. Borisenko. Study of optical rotation of optically active substances: guidance to the lab O-13. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2012, 12 P. .
  10. S.I. Borisenko. Determination of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and the Planck constant by means of an optical pyrometer disappearing filament: guidelines for laboratory work O-14. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2012, 10 P. .
  11. O.G. Revinskiy, S.I. Borisenko, N.S. Kravchenko. Methods of experimental study of the anomalous dispersion of light in semiconductors in general physics course and its implementation on the computer. // Basic Research. - 2012. - № 6-2. - PP. 382-387 .
  12. O.G. Revinskiy, S.I. Borisenko, N.S. Kravchenko. The anomalous dispersion of light in semiconductors. // Tomsk Izd. of TPU, 2012.-32 P. .
  13. O.G. Revinskiy, S.I. Borisenko, N.S. Kravchenko. Model experimental study of anomalous dispersion in semiconductors and its implementation on the computer. // Learning Physics. - 2012. - № 1. – pp. 22-31 .
  14. S.I. Borisenko. Measurement of refractive index of glass with a microscope: guidelines for laboratory work O-02. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2013, 12 P. .
  15. S.I. Borisenko, O.G. Revinskiy, N.S. Kravchenko, A.V. Chernov. The refractive index of light and methods of experimental determination. // Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2014.-141 P. .
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