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Борисенко Сергей Иванович
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Доцент
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Scientific publications:

  • Karavaev GF, Borisenko SI Band spectrum and optical absorption in the n-CdSnAs2 // Math. Universities. Fizika.- 1978.- № 6.- S.28-34.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF Energy spectrum and optical absorption in the p-CdGeAs2 // Math. Universities. Fizika.- 1982.- № 1.- S.68-72.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF Tuterev VG The mechanisms of scattering of charge carriers in semiconductors with chalcopyrite lattice //FTP.- 1982.- T.16, №3.- S.432-439.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF, Skachkov SI Tuterev VG The scattering of electrons on piezooptic potential of optical phonons in CdGeAs2 // FTP.- 1983.- T.17, №12.- S.2198-2201.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF, Skachkov SI Tuterev VG Analysis of the temperature dependence of the drift mobility of holes in CdGeAs2 // FTP.- 1986.- T.20, №7.- S.1214-1217.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF Estimation of the effective masses of electrons and holes in semiconductors A2V4S52 // Math. Universities. Fizika.- 1988.- № 4.- S.101-104.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF The anisotropy of acoustic scattering of holes in crystals with lattice of chalcopyrite A2V4S52 .// Math. Universities. Fizika.- 1988.- № 5.- S.117-119.
  • Brudnyi V.N., Borisenko S.I., Potapov A.I. Electrical and optical properties and Fermi level pinning in electron irradiated ZnSnAs2 // Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) .- 1990.- V.118.- P.505-511.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF Numerical analysis of longitudinal electric current flowing in the resonance in a superlattice n-GaAs / AlxGa1-xAs c doped quantum wells // FTP.- 1998.- T.32, №5.- S.607-612.
  • Borisenko SI Karavaev GF Analysis of the mechanisms of electron scattering in a superlattice n-GaAs / AlxGa1-xAs c doped quantum wells in longitudinal resonance current transfer in strong electric fields and low temperatures // FTP.- 1999.- T.33, №4.- S.438-444 .
  • Borisenko SI The relaxation time of the pulse and the temperature dependence of the mobility of electrons in semiconductor superlattices of weakly interacting quantum wells // FTP.- 1999.- T.33, №10.- S.1240-1245.
  • Borisenko SI Features of the nonequilibrium distribution function in the scattering of electrons by polar optical phonons in semiconductors A3B5 // FTP.- 2001.- T.35, №3.- S.313-317.
  • SI Borisenko, VY Rud, Rud UV, Tuterev VG Analysis of the temperature dependence of the mobility of electrons in single crystals CdGeAs2 // FTP.- 2001.- T.35, №6.- S.720-725.
  • Borisenko SI Analysis of the temperature dependence of the electron density in single crystals CdGeAs2 // FTP.- 2001.- T.35, №10.- S.1175-1177.
  • Borisenko SI The calculation of the low-electron mobility quasi superlattice GaAs / Al0.36Ga0.64As in temperature of 77 K // FTP.- 2002.- T.36, №7.- S.861-868.
  • Borisenko SI The dependence of acoustic scattering of electrons from the quasi parameters of the superlattice-type GaAs / AlxGa1-xAs // FTP.- 2002.- T.36, №10.- S.1237-1240.
  • Borisenko SI An analysis of the inelastic scattering of electrons quasi superlattice on acoustic phonons in view of the dispersion of the miniband // FTP.- 2002.- T.36, №12.- S.1445-1448.
  • Borisenko SI The dispersion of the relaxation time of quasi-electrons scattered by the impurity ions in the superlattice with doped quantum wells // FTP.- 2003.- T.37, №5.- S.588-591.
  • Borisenko S.I., Rud V.Yu., Rud Yu.V., Tyuterev V.G. Analysis of the temperature dependence of electron mobility in CdGeAs2 single crystals // Semicond. Sci. Technol.- 2002.- V.17, N 10.-P.1128-1132.
  • Borisenko SI Influence of the dispersion of the miniband to inelastic scattering of electrons by acoustic phonons superlattice // Math. Universities. Fizika.- 2003.- № 3.- S.41-47.
  • Borisenko SI The impact on the width of the miniband of the superlattice electron relaxation time in scattering by impurity ions // Math. Universities. Fizika.- 2003.- № 5.- S.84-89.
  • Borisenko SI The scattering of electrons by impurity ions at low temperatures in a superlattice with doped quantum wells // FTP.- 2003.- T.37, №9.- S.1117-1122.
  • Borisenko SI The scattering of quasi-electron superlattice GaAs / AlxGa1-xAs phonons // FTP.- 2004.- T.38, № 2.-S.207-212.
  • Borisenko SI The dependence of the width of the main miniband of the superlattice with rectangular quantum wells on the design parameters // Math. Universities. Fizika.- 2003.-№10.-C. 67-69.
  • Borisenko SI The scattering of quasi-electron superlattice GaAs / AlxGa1-xAs by polar optical phonons in a dielectric continuum model // Math. Universities. Fizika.-2003.-№ 12.-S. 40-47.
  • Borisenko SI Effect size quantization of the spectrum of acoustic phonons by electron scattering in the superlattice GaAs / AlxGa1-xAs // FTP.-2004.-T. 38, № 7.-S. 858-863.
  • Borisenko SI The dependence of the mobility of the electron density in the scattering by polar optical phonons in nitride A3N .// FTP. 2015 (in press).
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