Всероссийский научно-методологический семинар с международным участием «Модель ключевых методических компетенций научно-педагогических работников вузов в условиях интернационализации образования»

Томский политехнический университет

Россия, Томск,
26-28 апреля 2018

Поиск по порталу:

Dear colleagues,

All-Russian scientific and methodological seminar with international collaborations “Exploring Models of Key Pedagogical Competences for Research and Teaching Staff within the Context of University Internationalisation” will take place on TPU premises in Tomsk, Russia.

You are welcome to learn more about submissions in EMI, university curricula internationalisation, educational technologies and teaching in multicultural groups of learners in the seminar archives and publications with e-library registration.

Registration is closed.

Scientific fields:

  • Polycultural research and academic environment for modern university internationalisation
  • Foreign languages training provision for staff and students
  • E-learning environment for developing professional competences of future engineers
  • Active educational technologies for independent learning
  • Sociocultural and linguistic adaptation of international students in universities around the world
13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная