4-8 April, 2022

XXVI International Scientific Symposium in Honor of Academician M. A. Usov 'Problems of Geology and Subsurface Development'

XXVI International Scientific Symposium in honor of academician M.A. Usov «Problems of Geology and Subsurface Development», devoted to the 90th anniversary of birth of N.M. Rasskazov, to the 120th anniversary of birth of L.L. Khalfin and to the semicentury of scientific conferences in honor of academician M.A. Usov
About symposium

Important dates

Symposium schedule – 4–8 April 2022
Within the deadline is 25th of March, 2022 each participant must register via link https://goo.gl/forms/FPNM5v0W69COqXV73 Until the 25th of March, 2022 e-mail the papers to the Organizing Committee via the following address: tpuusovma@gmail.com

Dear colleagues,

We invite to take part in XXVI International scientific symposium in honor of academician M.A. Usov «Problems of geology and subsurface development», devoted to the 90 anniversary of birth of N.M. Raskazov, 120 th anniversary of birth of L.L.Khalfin and to a semicentury of scientific conferences in honor of academician М.А. Usov.

  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
  • School of Earth Sciences & Engineering
Participation rudiments
Participants: students, postgraduetes, young scientists of the age under 35 years.
For participation
Send to organizing committee not later than 25th of March, 2022 by e-mail and by post the following materials:
  • Within the deadline is 25th of March, 2022 each participant must register via link https://goo.gl/forms/FPNM5v0W69COqXV73
  • Article (written according to requirements, not more than 2 articles from one author)
Article should to be checked for plagiarism and signed by author and scientific supervisor.
Symposium languages
Official symposium languages are Russian, English and German. Simultaneous translation is not provided.


In the frame of XXVI International scientific symposium in honor of academician M.A. Usov «Problems of geology and subsurface development» competition for the best scientific report for each of the 19 sections and subsections of the Symposium will be held.

Proceedings of the Symposium will be included in the database “Russian Science Citation Index”.

Registration of participants
Registration of participants will take place in the Building 1 of Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Sovetskaya str., 73).
How to get Tomsk Polytechnic University:
  • From the airport by bus No. 119 to the bus stop "Polytechnic".
  • From the railway station by trolley bus No 4, bus No 12 or tram No 2 to the stop "Polytechnic".
Symposium schedule
April 3 - registration and accommodation
April 4 – registration and opening
April 5-7 – panels
April 8 – symposium closing and awarding ceremony
April 9 – departure
Contact Information

School of Earth Sciences & Engineering
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

Organizing Committee
Tel.: (3822) (3822) 60-63-91
e-mail: tpuusovma@gmail.com